Wednesday, April 29, 2009


The savage Islamic gang that murdered French Jew Ilan Halimi is now standing trial in France today. However, there are problems here: the trial is being held behind closed doors, which has rightfully angered the mother of the man who was murdered:
It is scheduled to be held behind closed doors at a juvenile court, because two of the 27 gang members allegedly behind Halimi's murder were minors at the time of the act.

French law allows for a public trial to be held in certain cases where juveniles are involved.

A public trial should help better understand the criminal machine, to make parents and teenagers reflect. It’s the law of silence that killed her son, it would be unbearable for the trial to remain silent,” Francis Szpyner, lawyer of Ruth Halimi, said.
They're right, this is something that the wider public needs to be aware of too, because it can extend to and endanger them as well. Clearly, the law is afraid to deal with this out in the open. Until this can be resolved, I hope that the defendants will all shrivel up and die in prison for the rest of their phony lives.

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