Saturday, April 04, 2009


As Reliapundit posted yesterday...

All you need to know:
Russia's Dmitry Medvedev hailed Barack Obama as "my new comrade" Thursday after their first face-to-face talks, saying the US president "can listen" -- even if little progress was made on substance.
He's letting the cat out of the bag a little early in Obama's term, you say? Well that just shows you how confident in their new little buddy the communists, jihadists, and all anti-American tyrants are.
Obama agreed to visit Moscow in July after his talks with Medvedev on Wednesday on the sidelines of a G20 summit in London aimed at fixing the battered world economy.
Tovarisch Obama will feel right at home. He'll be able to render homage to his heroes Lenin and Stalin, and show off more of his bowing and scraping before two-bit foreign tyants.

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