Monday, March 30, 2009


The Democrat liberals running NY state are increasing INCOME taxes on our biggest EARNERS.

EARNERS - as in they EARN it.

These leftie politicians are doing this because of a projected 16 BILLION dollar shortfall.

At the same time.... (GET THIS!!!!!!): THEY ARE INCREASING SPENDING NEARLY 10%!!!!!

That's right.

But they argue that the increase is "covered" by federal stimulus funds.


Instead of raising taxes on the leaders of our entrepreneurial and investor class (the folks who drive the economy!), they should use the federal funds to LOWER TAXES FOR EVERYONE!

They don't do this because they really REALLY think they know how to spend our money better than we do.

And because by spending it, they are doping favors for the special interests.

This is why I have come to believe in SMALL GOVERNMENT: the less government does the less they can steal or funnel to their buddies.

Government governs best which governs least.

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