Sunday, March 29, 2009


This report tells that El Al is airing an offensive skit from the TV "comedy" show called Eretz Nehederet:
( Travelers on Israeli airline El-Al report that its flights now feature a satire about residents of Hevron which many have termed “anti-Semitic.” The producers of the film may face libel suits.

The offending skit was aired earlier in the month on the satirical Eretz Nehederet (A Wonderful Land) show on Channel 2 TV. The popular show has run for six seasons in Israel and is similar to the American program Saturday Night Live. (The Hevron film clip can be viewed here in Hebrew.)

The skit, entitled “Everyone Hates Rabin,” showcased a family in Hevron. The mother is depicted as ironing clothes on the back of an Arab and later hanging the laundry on his arms. The father, named Ketzaleh after the Ichud Leumi (National Union) party head Yaakov "Ketzaleh" Katz, describes how he beat up an Arab flower vendor.

The children in the show scream “Nazi” and “Hitler” every time someone upsets them. The daughter of the family also wants to attend a "Baruch Goldstein" celebration, in reference to the Kiryat Arba pediatrician who killed 29 Arabs in Hevron in 1994. In addition, the family prepares acid to pour on soldiers, while the grandfather shoots two Arabs and a soldier in the course of the skit.
Blech! This is disgusting. But that's exactly what Eretz Nehederet came up with a few months ago, and the program should be boycotted.

As for El Al, here's their defense:
El-Al also claims it is not at fault for airing the show and blamed the HOT company which is responsible for in-air programming. El-Al promised to discuss the issue with HOT.
Okay, I hope it isn't the airline's fault. But then, they may have to consider cancelling any subscription deals they have with the HOT cable company. As will any Israeli subscribers with common sense.

Don't expect them to ever do a satire on Islam though. It's not hard to guess what PC-cowards the production staff for Eretz Nehederet are.

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