Thursday, March 12, 2009


Absurd Britannia continues its spectacle of the same, as they legitimize the Hezbollah:
( British officials granted senior Hizbullah member Ibrahim Moussawi a visa to visit the country on Thursday. The visa will allow Moussawi to lecture at a conference on political Islam. Moussawi plans to speak at the University of London on March 25.

The British government granted Moussawi a permit to visit Britain in 2008 as well. During that visit he appeared at events sponsored by the British group Stop the War.

Moussawi, who has been quoted as calling Jews “a lesion of the forehead of history” and justifying attacks on Israeli civilians, insists that he is not an anti-Semite. “I'm a bridge-builder and I've always been an advocate of dialog and discussion,” he claimed in response to criticism of an earlier visit.
If you're planning on taking a trip to England for tourism, cancel it immediately! The less money given to them, the better, as they'll likely exploit even that for funding these disgusting people who even have the gall to deny where they really stand.

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