Thursday, January 22, 2009

Obama Urges Israel To Open Gaza Border And Allow International Community To Police It

How about if Obama opens the White House front door, and allows the international community to police that?

This is absolutely ridiculous. Does Israel not have the right to police their borders the way they want to? Is Obama going to dictate to any other country how they ought to police their borders?

And, if not, then why Israel? What is his real purpose here?

President Barack Obama urged Israel on Thursday to open its borders with Gaza.

The plea came in a speech that signalled the new US administration’s shift from Bush-era policy on the Middle East and the world as a whole. In a high-profile address on his second day in office, just hours after he signed an executive order to close the centre at Guantánamo Bay, Mr Obama proclaimed that the US would “actively and aggressively seek a lasting peace between Israel and the Palestinians” in the wake of this month’s Gaza war.

“The outline for a durable ceasefire is clear: Hamas must end its rocket fire: Israel will complete the withdrawal of its forces from Gaza: the US and our partners will support a credible anti-smuggling and interdiction regime, so that Hamas cannot re-arm,” the US president said.

“As part of a lasting ceasefire, Gaza’s border crossings should be open to allow the flow of aid and commerce, with an appropriate monitoring regime, with the international and Palestinian Authority participating.”

Here's another question for Obama.

Why is it that the Palestinians are so dependent on the Israelis?

Let Egypt and the rest of the Arab world trade with them.

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