Saturday, January 17, 2009


Obama is obsessed with his mobile device, the BlackBerry. From this source:
Those who follow Obama on a regular basis know the president-elect is constantly on the addictive e-mail device. The Secret Service, as well as Obama lawyers, are concerned it could easily be hacked and are demanding the new president hand over the BlackBerry before he moves into the White House. In an interview with CNBC Wednesday, Obama made clear he's not giving it up without a fight. "They're going to pry it out of my hands," the president-elect said. "You know, this town's full of lawyers. I don't know if you've noticed and they have a lot opinions. So I'm still in a scuffle around that, but it look, it's the hardest thing about being president....
He refuses to give up his that Blackberry:
Despite legal and security hurdles, president-elect Barack Obama says he has a plan to retain his beloved Blackberry once he moves into the White House next week....
Off all the matters our chief executive and commander-in-chief will have do deal with as President of the United States during wartime and an economic crisis, Obama is concerned about his BlackBerry? How absurd!

The man is not in touch with reality.

As stated in the first link above:
Mr. Obama isn't acting as a grown up if he makes a fuss over keeping his blackberry.

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