Saturday, December 27, 2008


From Fox News:
Study: Toilet Seat Injuries to Little Boys Appear to Be on the Rise


There's evidence that crush injuries due to falling toilet seats may be on the rise, Dr. Joe Philip of Leighton Hospital in Crewe and colleagues warn in a letter in BJU (British Journal of Urology) International.

While he and his colleagues typically see just one or two such cases a year, if any, Philip told Reuters Health, they treated four different two- to four-year-old boys with penile crush injuries in the past several months.


Philip and his colleagues offer the following tips to help families of young boys prevent these injuries from happening....
Go HERE to read what is now advised to prevent these injuries.

For pity's sake, is this what the nanny state is coming to: not allowing little boys to pee on their own and installing special toilet seats, or, more idiotic yet, leaving the toilet seat up all the time?


  1. Here's the reason for this: Women do the toilet training. Women hate men who leave the seat down. Women direct little boys to raise the seat. Little boys can probably do one of these things right and don't always get the seat up correctly. No oversight by the trainer leads to mutilated little boys. Hurrah for feminism - afraid to pee over the seat and immediate punishment to the guilty organ.

  2. In the linked article:

    none of them suffered lasting physical damage

    Clearly, not mutilation.

  3. They learned a lesson, which is how humans usually learn...unless they have enough common sense to learn from someone elses pain!
    G*D bless and MARANATHA!

