Tuesday, November 04, 2008


The "troopergate" scandal that the drive-by media attempted to gin up on behalf of their chosen candidate never did get much traction outside of the leftist lunatic fringe and those it has enthralled with its drooling drivel, but it's over now, anyway.

The Alaska state personnel board has completely exonerated Governor Palin. As reported by the AP in the New Duranty Times:
Gov. Sarah Palin violated no ethics laws when she fired her public safety commissioner, the state personnel board concluded in a report released Monday. ''There is no probable cause to believe that the governor, or any other state official, violated the Alaska Executive Ethics Act in connection with these matters,'' the report says.
After all, do you think that even one of the 50 Governors would think he or she was getting out of line to question the employment of a State trooper who tasered a child, was driving drunk on the job, and took big game out of season? Wouldn't that just be normal, responsible oversight?

And Governor Palin's reassignment of State Safety Commissioner had nothing to do with that, anyway.

If President McCain decides not to run again in 2012, I think a Palin-Jindal ticket is looking pretty good.

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