Tuesday, November 04, 2008


Over at Pajamas Media, John Rosenthal quotes Kenneth Timmerman and uncovers evidence in Italy's Corrierre Della Sera, that the Obama campaing actively solicited illegal foreign money, deliberately asking for small contributions that could be hidden by its web-based system:
In the meanwhile, Timmerman has calculated that over $6 million in contributions to the Obama campaign from identified sources were made in non-rounded dollar amounts: such as $223.88, $388.67, and $876.09. This odd anomaly suggests that the dollar amounts were converted from foreign currencies. The donors in question gave a total of over $30 million. Timmerman speculates that roughly the same amount of non-itemized contributions from unidentified donors may have come from foreign sources. Of course, if foreign sources were being specifically targeted for “small” contributions, in order to circumvent the disclosure requirements, this could well be a conservative estimate. Timmerman’s calculations, moreover, do not include the Obama campaign’s record haul of $150 million in contributions for September, nor, of course, do they include the as yet unavailable figures for October.
A special prosecutor should be appointed to investigate the Obama campaign and apply the RICO laws.

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