Sunday, November 02, 2008


Obama wants to spread OUR wealth around, but he wants to keep his own:

Obama defaulted on a promise to aid the Obama clan's village in Kenya, and has allowed his half-brother to descend into and remain in abject poverty in Nairobi, and has his illegal alien aunt (mentioned 70 times in the first volume of his memoirs and who attended his swearing in in 2004) to illegally live in public-housing in Boston.

As further proof of Obama's hypocrisy and inhumanity I offer this - via Glenn's gal ALTHOUSE:
Does Obama have a pet? Does McCain have a pet?

Reading about Rush Limbaugh and his besotted fondness for his kitty cat, I realized we don't hear anything about the presidential candidates' pets. Usually, you hear about the pets... Socks this, Barney that. King Timahoe.

But I don't remember seeing any pet stories this time around. Do these men not have pets? Is this a new trend? Men without pets?

It turns out that Barack Obama, in fact, has no pets. McCain?
He’s got the usual dogs—four of them actually
This says a lot about Obama: (1) He a hypocrite whose tax records prove he gave virtually NO CHARITY - not to anyone, not even his own family in Africa. (Though he did give to Wright!); (2) Obama doesn't even have the HEART to have a pet.

The Obama followers who think he's a great humanitarian working tirelessly for the working-man remind me of the Russians who loved Uncle Joe.


  1. Please, Reliapundit, stay on the rails. You just might win this thing!

  2. Don't forget the Obamas are also Downright Mean Parents who don't believe in giving Christmas presents to their children ... or taking care of Auntie ... or donating to charity ... or ...

  3. I don't trust anyone who doesn't have pets. One of my personal biases, I guess.

  4. chenny;

    if obama had one single solitary ACCOMPLISHMENT to his credit then we wouldn't have to look for clues about his CHARACTER.

    if obama was honest about his past associations we wouldn't have to ASSUME THE WORST.

    as the great dr mlk jr said - and i marched with him! (and neither obama or ANYONE in his family ever did!)- people should be judged on the content of their character NOT the color of their skin.

    basd on his character - (his lies about ayers, wright, khalidi, fm davis, acorn, the new party, the DSA, his relationship with his 1/2 bro', his relationship with his aunt, no pets, - i say he has a VERY SCARY PERSONALITY.

    the ameican chavez/putin/peron.
