Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Unrepentant "small 'c' communist" Bill Ayers was given a platform by Terry Gross yesterday to deny that he ever was a terrorist.

It was a nauseating interview.

However, he did admit, on tape, that the bomb which prematurely blew up at their 11th street I.E.D. factory, killing his then-girlfriend Diane Oughton, along with Ted Gold and Terry Robbins, was an anti-personnel weapon intended to kill US Army NCOs at a dance at Fort Dix.

He claims it wasn't his idea and that after much soul-searching and anguish over the ensuing few months the Weather Underground decided to eschew such attacks.

Meanwhile, of course, his allies in the Black Liberation Army murdered 12 policemen, including the first black policeman on the Nyack, New York, Police force.

Bill Ayers should have been locked up for life without parole 30 years ago.

But, as he says, "guilty as hell, free as a bird, it's a great country."

1 comment:

  1. the lefty illuminati is sick for allowing this man to not be exposed more publicly
