Saturday, October 04, 2008


Shin Bet gets it:
( According to the London-based Arabic daily A-Sharq al-Awsat, the Israel Security Agency (Shin Bet) has reached the conclusion that Hamas does not intend to release kidnapped IDF soldier Gilad Shalit even if its demands are met. The group is using Shalit to reinforce its reputation as a group capable of causing Israel to release terrorist prisoners, ISA sources said, but it does not intend to let Shalit go.

Israel and Hamas have been negotiating Shalit's release in exchange for terrorist prisoners with the help of Egyptian intermediaries. Hamas has repeatedly added new demands, ISA agents said.

In what appears to be an unusual leak from the ISA to an Arab newspaper, the sources said the ISA had created a plan that would put military pressure on Hamas in order to obtain Shalit's release.
Yes, it is kind of unusual for a newspaper like that to file such a report. But it shows that Shin Bet certainly understands the real nature of terrorist organizations like Hamas, and that truly, they don't want to release prisoners whom they consider valuble.

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