Friday, October 10, 2008


Democrats: it's time you took a good long hard TRUTHFUL denial-free look at yourselves - AND THE DEMOCRATS IN CONGRESS.
  • You opposed the Surge - and it worked.
  • If you had gotten your way al Qaeda and Iran would probably now control 2/3rds of Iraq and have also won huge propaganda victories, which would have motivated them and every other hostile force in the world to ramp it up.
Bush prevailed over the Democrats and we defeated al Qaeda in Iraq. No thanks to you.
  • You were warned repeatedly about how Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were under-regulated but ignored the pleas - from Bush and McCain and Greenspan and Snow and Falcon, attacked the messengers, and defended Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac -and ACORN - as you took their "contributions." They proposed oversight, and YOU BLOCKED IT.
  • You got your way and look where it got us and the world: the biggest financial crisis of ALL TIME.
  • It didn't have to happen, but the Democrats in Congress ignored the warnings. And here we are.
It can get worse:
  • Obama goes ways back with the Chicago Machine, and ACORN - a voter fraud machine.
  • As a lawyer, Obama and ACORN sued banks to make sure they gave out more subprime loans.
  • Obama opposed the Surge and STILL has a former Fannie Mae big shot as a key advisor - Jim Johnson.
Which means and Obama presidency will be more of the same crap that got us here - minus good stuff like the Surge.


Do the Democrats really deserve MORE power?

We can't afford that.

No one can.

No where.

No how.

SO: Wake up.

We haven't much time left.


1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:02 PM

    With al due respect there is no evidence whatsoever that "the surge" has worked. There is a lot of propaganda but not much else. One of Obama's problems is that he has let himself be cowed by McCain et. al. into agreeing that the surge has "worked."

    There is less violence today in Iraq than prior to "the surge" but there is no evidence of a causal relation - after all, lots of the ethnic cleansing had already been accomplished, Al Sadr, called off his dogs and we begin to buy allies among the various sects. Sending more troops coincided with the decline in violence but correlation, as they say, is not causation. Sorry.

    PS: On top of all that, there is no guarantee that the violence will remain low and plenty of evidence that in various parts of the country it is resurgent.
