Friday, September 12, 2008


A missile fired from a suspected U.S. pilotless drone killed at least 13 people and wounded five others Friday in a village in northwest Pakistan near the Afghan border, according to Pakistani intelligence sources.

Small, quiet and deadly drones are operated remotely by pilots in the United States.

The missile strike happened in a region of Pakistan that is rife with Islamic extremism. Previous missile strikes there have targeted members of al Qaeda and suspected Taliban militants.

Two missiles hit the North Waziristan village of Tola Khel, near the main town of Miranshah, early Friday, according to Allah Zaman, a security official in Miranshah.

EIGHT PEOPLE were killed in a suspected United States (US) Drone aircraft attack in northern Pakistan on Friday, September 12. Apart from this, dozens of suspected ’jehadis’ were also killed in the Bajaur region today. The US Drone aircraft hurled two missiles on a former government school near Miran Shah on Friday morning, suspecting the militants could be hiding there. At least 10 others received severe injuries in this US-led attack.

Miran Shah is located in the tribal-laden North Waziristan province of Pakistan, which is famous as the hotbed of Taliban and Al-Qaeda militants. This region is also governed by the tribal leaders, where the Pakistan government’s control is very feeble. The people killed in this attack were believed to be the members of Al Badar. It is a famous armed Afghan group, led by veteran Afghan leader, Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, who fought against the Soviet troops in the 1980s and against the Taliban in the 1990s. In 2001, he allied with the deposed group after the US-led invasion in Afghanistan, thereby, demanding the withdrawal of foreign troops from Afghanistan.
THE CIA is intensifying the use of unmanned Predator drone aircraft over Pakistan's border area with Afghanistan.

The number of Predator strikes in the area this year already stands at 11, against three in 2007.

Since January, Predator drones – which can remain aloft for far longer periods than conventional aircraft – using Hellfire missiles have killed two senior al-Qaeda leaders with £2.5 million bounties on their heads.

The CIA for the most part has co-ordinated with Pakistan's government before and after it launches missiles from the drone aircraft.

One of the top American priorities remains the killing or capture of Osama bin Laden, who is believed to still be hiding in Pakistan's mountainous FATA, or Federally Administered Tribal Area.
Missile attacks by US drones in Pakistan have tripled in 2008 after ‘frustrated’ US and Pakistani officials decided to change tactics in the war on terror, a Washington Post report said. Pakistani officials have reported 11 such strikes in FATA this year, the report said, compared with three in 2007. US officials believe their hunt for top Al Qaeda leadership has been marred by disruptions posed by the Iraq war and by their inability to develop informants, and are focusing on airstrikes because their special forces are not allowed to operate inside Pakistan. daily times monitor
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