Sunday, September 07, 2008

Tom Friedman: Liberal Fascist

Regular readers of the is blog know I LOATHE Tom Friedman. He's a jerk. (MORE FRIEDMAN IDIOCY HERE! Even more here. Unbelievable Friedman crap here.)

He proved it once again today on MTP:

Global Warming As Noble Lie [Jonah Goldberg]

Tom Friedman on Meet the Press, from a reader:

Tom Friedman on Meet The Press:
"If climate change is a hoax, it's the greatest hoax ever
perpetrated on the United States of America. Because everything we
would do to get ready for climate change; to build this new green
industry, would make us more respected, more entrepreneurial, more
competitive, more heathy as a country."
Notice the context of the word "greatest". He uses "greatest" not as
a way to describe the effectiveness of the hoax's ability to trick the
public, but, as a way to describe how beneficial the hoax/lie would be
for the country.
More Friedman [Jonah Goldberg]
I guess I've got to watch Meet the Press today. From a reader:

I just saw Thomas Friedman on Meet the Press, saying how great it would be for the US to "be China for a day" so that the President of the US could freely impose whatever energy policy he (or she!) wishes. Clearly, you need to send Thomas Friedman a copy of Liberal Fascism.

Keep up the good work.

09/07 12:36 PM
YES: AGW is the biggest hoax since communism - and just as bad.

AGW is an excuse for lefties to do what they have long wanted to do - and Tom Friedman admits he would use fascism to do it.

The AGW crowd - like the commies - are utopianists who think that an intellectual elite or POLITBURO would be more effective at running your life than you, and better at maw-making than a democracy.

The eco-nutsies are as wrong about the root cause of GW (it AIN'T man-made), as the commies were about poverty. That's another why the solutions that each suggest(ed) are doomed to failure.

Communists and eco-nutsies each misunderstood the nature of the problem they perseverated on, and suggested solutions which had to fail. Redistribution of wealth cannot end poverty, only the creation of new wealth can. And Kyoto type schemes and carbon taxes and carbon trading cannot work either. Additionally, the carbon-scheme will create more poverty.

The answer is simple: freedom. It creates prosperity and democracy.

The free market is not only more moral it is more efficient.


  1. These totalitarians are certain that their actions are necessary because of a problem that is not real. But they claim the moral authority to run roughshod over everyone else and everything else.

    They always criticize religious people, particularly Christians, in our Country, and claim that the Christians assert that their policies are ordained by God.

    But if you actually read what Christians such as Governor Palin and President Bush say, they are concerned to keep America on God's side, that is, to make sure America's policies are upright and moral, and they never assert that God would be on our side otherwise.

  2. barry obama CHOSE his church: black liberation theology.

    if he is as smart as they CLAIM, then I'd like him to explain what about black liberation theology is better for him than palin's pentecostalism.

    does he believe Jesus was black?

    obama's sect is weird and tiny compared to palin's.

    also: obama's sect seems marxist. and they seem to profess many of the same things as the black muslims and farrakhan.

    farrakhan is a buddy of wright's.

    this troubles me.

    if mccain had been a buddy of someone in the kkk or of someone who had bombed the murrah building in OK City, then I think he'd be disqualified from the office he seeks.

    why hasn't obama been held to the same standard?

    because he's a leftie and black.

    he's used these aspects of his persona to great advantage the last few decades.

    it's time for him to be truly held to account for them.
