Wednesday, September 10, 2008


The McCain Campaign's riposte to Senator Obama's tasteless shtick is here:

(Reliapundit already posted this video, below. It's worth putting it up twice!)

Notice how the Obamessiah holds his hand up over his face and eyes, just when he is about to launch his attack. He knows what he's up to. He's afraid to look you straight on and do it, though, because he knows it's dirty, and he knows it's wrong.

When Governor Palin made a joke about lipstick on a pit bull, she was making a joke at her own expense.

Her off the cuff remark was self-deprecating humor at its best.

The Obamessiah's little parable on the other hand, was a mean-spirited dig at someone else. And his audience understood it as such.

Ridicule at its worst.

This episode reveals the envy and hatred that underly the leftist ethos.

It also demonstrates that Obama, as the ad above puts it, is ready to smear, but not to lead.

Vote accordingly.

1 comment:

  1. I don't agree he was covering his face and eyes because he knew it was wrong, it was more like a preparation kinda letting the audience he was going to say something funny, something they would like and get. Anyone who thinks this was a mistake doesn't know how to read body language and I'm not talking about psych BS. The audience got it and he prepared them.
