Thursday, September 11, 2008

Haaretz: U.S. Refuses Bombs To Israel Fearing Iran Attack

Israel and the United States have been making so much noise, for such a long time, about how "all options are on the table," that I believe none of this anymore.

But, let's entertain ourselves by reading yet more Information/Disinformation.

From Haaretz:

The security aid package the United States has refused to give Israel for
the past few months out of concern that Israel would use it to attack nuclear
facilities in Iran included a large number of "bunker-buster" bombs, permission
to use an air corridor to Iran, an advanced technological system and refueling
planes. Officials from both countries have been discussing the Israeli requests
over the past few months.

Their rejection would make it very difficult for Israel to attack Iran, if
such a decision is made. About a month ago, Haaretz reported that the Bush
administration had turned down an Israeli request for certain security items
that could upgrade Israel's capability to attack Iran.

The U.S. administration reportedly saw the request as a sign preparations
were moving ahead for an Israeli attack on Iran.

Diplomatic and security sources indicated to Haaretz that the list of
components Israel included: Bunker-buster GBU-28 bombs: In 2005, the U.S. said
it was supplying these bombs to Israel. In August 2006, The New York Times
reported that the U.S. had expedited the dispatch of additional bombs at the
height of the Second Lebanon War. The bombs, which weigh 2.2 tons each, can
penetrate six meters of reinforced concrete. Israel appears to have asked for a
relatively large number of additional bunker-busters, and was turned down.

Air-space authorization: An attack on Iran would apparently require passage
through Iraqi air space. For this to occur, an air corridor would be needed that
Israeli fighter jets could cross without being targeted by American planes or
anti-aircraft missiles. The Americans also turned down this request. According
to one account, to avoid the issue, the Americans told the Israelis to ask Iraqi
Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki for permission, along the lines of "If you want,
coordinate with him."

Refueling planes. An air attack on Iran would require refueling of fighter
jets on the way back. According to a report on Channel 10 a few weeks ago, the
U.S. rejected an Israeli request for more advanced refueling tankers, of the
Boeing 767 model. The refueling craft the Israel Air Force now uses are very
outmoded, something that make it difficult to operate at long distances from
Israel. Even if the Americans were to respond favorably to such a request, the
process could take a few years.

Etc. Etc.

Sorry to sound like a moonbat, but "Blah blah blah."

If you want to get something done, do it.

Don't sit around huffing and puffing about it for five years. The United States and Israel have been at this game since 2003. As much as I am on the side of the U.S. and Israel on this subject, I am completely sick of it.

How do you think the rest of the world feels about it? What do you think they think of the credibility of our intelligence, predictions, and threats?


