Tuesday, September 09, 2008


Barack Obama is an empty suit who just doesn't have the accomplishments to back up his absurd self-importance, or the importance that his worshippers want to give him.

In an interview with Chris Wallace, Obama's campaign manager, red-diaper baby David Axelrod claimed that proof of Obama's courage in joining with Republicans to fight for reform can be seen in his support of Senate ethics reform, work with Senator Lugar on arms control, and work with Senator Coburn on budget issues.

Wallace, however, had done his homework:
Wallace: But David, because you guys always talk about ethics legislation and the nuclear non-proliferation deal with Dick Lugar, I went back and looked -- both of those measures passed by unanimous consent. They were so accepted by the Senate that there was not even a vote. In fact, ethics legislation was one of the campaign promises. These were not -- if I may, if I may. These were not areas where Barack Obama went up against the leadership of his own party nearly in the way that John McCain did on campaign finance reform, on limiting interrogation of terror detainees, on immigration reform. He did not go up against his own party on either of those issues.
Now, that's follow up.

Obama is nothing but a phony. (Hat tip: Powerline.)

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