Sunday, September 07, 2008


After reviewing the devastating documentary film that Reliapundit linked to here, which demonstrates how the Obama campaign, using the old time Chicago machine tactics, stole the Texas caucuses, the following thought occurred to me:

Senator Barack [middle name redacted] Obama was not in fact chosen by the majority of Democrat Party voters. He gamed the system to steal the nomination, just as he gamed the system to knock Alice Palmer and his other opponents off the Chicago State Senate ballot in 1996.

That's the hidden weakness that will hurt him throughout this election.

1 comment:

  1. The McCain-Palin camp really hasn't even scratched the surface on Obama yet, they don't really have to since they are tearing him apart on his ideas and Senate voting records....his ties to Ayers, Pastor Wright, Muslim or Christain faith haven't even been brought out on the National Spotlight.

    Anyone doing any real research in Obama can see that he isn't ready to lead anything. He's a well placed pawn that liberals thought that they could use better then the Clintons. His choice of Biden seems to be a good example of this also, keep the old guard in charge, even the Clintons threatened people like Pelosi and Reed.
