Friday, August 29, 2008

Obamabots try to silence critic

Post below excerpted from Michelle Malkin. See the original for links and details:

"First, they came for TV stations daring to air an independent ad about Barack Obama and unrepentant Weather Underground terrorist Bill Ayers. Next, they came for GOP donors.

Now, they are shamelessly attacking National Review investigative journalist Stanley Kurtz - one of conservatism's most thoughtful and penetrating writers on academic and educational affairs. Kurtz has been at the forefront probing Obama's relationships with left-wing ideologues. It was his public information request and public call for help that led to the University of Illinois - Chicago finally releasing tons of files that shed light on the Obama/Ayers working relationship. The Obama camp is condemning Kurtz in harsher terms than it ever condemned the terrorist Ayers. Kurtz has been attacked now as a "right-wing hatchet man" and "slimy character assassin."

As I reported yesterday, Kurtz spent two hours on legendary radio talk show host Milt Rosenberg's Chicago program on WGN last night detailing his initial findings. The Obama campaign went ballistic - and in typical Chicago mafia-style, smeared Kurtz and tried to shut down the show.

It's interesting to see what lengths the Obama campaign is willing to reach to stifle dissenting voices. Kurtz said it best at the end of the show- If a respected conservative who writes for mainstream conservative publications like the Weekly Standard and National Review can't speak his mind, then what dissenting opinion can be voiced?

The Obamabots are terrified that Obama's close ties to an America-hater and terrorist will become well-known.

Posted by John Ray. For a daily critique of Leftist activities, see DISSECTING LEFTISM. For a daily survey of Australian politics, see AUSTRALIAN POLITICS Also, don't forget your roundup of Obama news and commentary at OBAMA WATCH

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