Friday, August 29, 2008


From my comments to the previous post:

I was surprised at Obama's nervous delivery. He rushed, swallowed his points, never developed the momentum of building cadences. The text basically sucked. More empty promises, promising things no President can deliver. My guess is, due to the McCain Campaign's effective "celebrity" ads, Obama's team backed away from the extravagant rhetoric that they would have preferred. The drive by media will laud the performance, just as they did after Obie's "unforgettable" Philadelphia speech, of which of course nobody now remembers a single phrase. Obie is a will o' the wisp, a phenom, and the only reason he will never be a has-been is that he is a never-was.

Meanwhile, the McCain VP pick is a complete surprise.

The announcement is only 3 hours away, and he and his Campaign have maintained discipline and silence.

Reports are that Governor Romney and Governor Palin are in Dayton.

My money is on Sarah Palin. With a woman on the ticket, a conservative governor who recently delivered a beautiful son with Down's, McCain will peel off even more of Hillary's faithful than he has already.

As in a game of Go, the outcome has been assured once the playing field has been established. The rest is just a mopping-up operation.

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