Wednesday, June 11, 2008

VP Favorite Jim Webb Outed As Confederate Sympathizer


"What goes around comes around. The Webb Campaign dug up confederate stories on Senator George Allen in the 2006 Virginia senatorial race. Liberal Webb supporters even created T-shirts to attack Senator George "Felix" Allen on his supposed confederate leanings. But, today it came back to haunt him. The Politico reported on Senator Webb's rebel roots:

"Barack Obama's vice presidential vetting team will undoubtedly run across some quirky and potentially troublesome issues as it goes about the business of scouring the backgrounds of possible running mates. But it's unlikely they'll find one so curious as Virginia Democratic Sen. Jim Webb's affinity for the cause of the Confederacy.

Webb is no mere student of the Civil War era. He's an author, too, and he's left a trail of writings and statements about one of the rawest and most sensitive topics in American history.

He has suggested many times that while the Confederacy is a symbol to many of the racist legacy of slavery and segregation, for others it simply reflects Southern pride. In a June 1990 speech in front of the Confederate Memorial at Arlington National Cemetery, posted on his personal website, he lauded the rebels' "gallantry," which he said "is still misunderstood by most Americans."

Webb, a descendant of Confederate officers, also voiced sympathy for the notion of state sovereignty as it was understood in the early 1860s, and seemed to suggest that states were justified in trying to secede.


Typical Leftist hypocrisy. What's hate speech for you is OK for me.

Posted by John Ray. For a daily critique of Leftist activities, see DISSECTING LEFTISM. For a daily survey of Australian politics, see AUSTRALIAN POLITICS Also, don't forget your roundup of Obama news and commentary at OBAMA WATCH

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