Tuesday, June 03, 2008


John Leland, a reporter for the New Duranty Times who has lately covered the housing market, and who is also the author of "Why Kerouac Matters," starts his review of Harry Bernstein's dyspeptic new book this way:
The dream for Harry Bernstein’s mother, raising six children in poverty in England after the First World War, was America. It will surprise no one that this dream sours.
At least it won't surprise the faithful readers of the New Duranty Times, convinced as they are that this country is "just downright mean," and the root cause of most of the world's most important problems, such as anthropogenic global warming and even the rise of Islamic terrorism.

No wonder that they flock like moths to the feeble glow of Barack [middle name redacted] Obama's unrepentant leftism. (He's thrown his grandmother, his Pastor, his other spiritual mentor, and his Church under the bus; but he still defends unrepentant terrorist Bill Ayers.)

1 comment:

  1. so correct Punditarian.

    obama has thrown those in his "religious" life overboard.

    but not ayers the hardcore leftie terrorist.

    it's more proof that he only joined the church to further his leftist political goals, and not for religious reasons.

    "community organizer" = commie.
