Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Why on earth wouldn't Barack [middle name redacted] Obama put a pdf of his birth certificate on his campaign website? What in the world could he possibly be trying to hide?

And how long does he think he can hide it? (Answer: for as long as John Kerry has hidden his military service records, which is up until now!)

Were his parents unmarried? Was his original given name "Barry," and not "Barack?" Was a religion listed on his birth certificate? Does his Hawaiian birth certificate designate another location as his place of birth? But if so, it wouldn't be a birth certificate, would it?

What if there is no Hawaiian birth certificate for Barack Obama? What if he was born in Kenya? None of the theories advanced thus far to explain this failure to release the document make any sense. We're talking about the Presidency of the United States, here. Does failing to give up this tiny bit of privacy make any sense to you?


  1. Comrade Obama has many hidden mysteries, his unwillingness to share should be an immediate disqualifier for any important job.

  2. Seems to me that a birth certificate should be a requirement for POTUS. After all, one has to produce a birth certificate to get a driver's license.
