Sunday, June 01, 2008


In a throwaway interview in today's New York Times Magazine, Senator Jim Webb says his 2006 Senate campaign was the roughest experience of his life:
Do you think winning your Senate seat from Virginia in 2006 really deepened you all that much? It was one of the most brutal things I’ve ever been through.

You mean the name-calling? It’s more than name-calling. It’s the whole attempt to destroy your personal credibility. That’s the Karl Rove approach. Until you’ve been through that, you don’t really know what it’s like.

Almost all of Jim Webb's campaign was an all-out assault on Senator George Allen's character. The Washington Post ran over 100 stories on Senator Allen's "macaca" slip of the tongue, and that sort of meaningless personal attack is what drove Webb to his narrow victory.

For him to whine now about how rough his campaign was is not pathetic. It's bathetic.

What a loser.


  1. bathetic and hypocritical.

    he is an awful guy.

    which is why he'd make a good running mate for hillary or obama.

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