Sunday, May 04, 2008

Polar Bear Poses Threat To Human Civilization

My title would be over-the-top were it not for the fact that environmentalists are so crazy. Let's face it, their last applied solution (Ethanol) has weaked havoc in the food markets and even caused children to go hungry. Nice work lefties.

And now, the lefties have a new "crisis" they're trying to fix.

From Powerline:
That innocent-looking polar bear poses a huge threat to the American economy. It's not his fault, of course. Liberals are always scheming to get control of the economy, and their latest dodge takes advantage of the myth that "global warming" threatens the bears' habitat. The Left is now seeking to have the polar bear certified as "threatened" under the Endangered Species Act.

Sounds harmless, you say? Hugh Hewitt--as far as I know, the only person so far to blow the whistle on the liberals' scam--explains the legal consequences:

The short version: If the polar bear is listed, every activity that emits a greenhouse gas of any sort in the lower 48 AND which receives a federal permit or requires federal agency action of any sort --even if that permit or action is unrelated to the emission of the gases-- those activities will be subject to new review by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, and the approval may not be forthcoming, will certainly at least be delayed, and will almost certainly come with massive new costs attached.

Thus coastal building programs that require federal flood insurance or Army Corps of Engineers permits, highway construction that gets FHA funding, or joint NASA-private industry initiatives that result in launchings, all these and hundreds of thousands of additional federal permits and actions get gathered in under Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act.
Anything that is a threat to the American economy is a threat to civilization itself.

Now, that's what I call a crisis.

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