Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Muslim hate-speech is OK -- again

We read:
"A political cartoon circulated at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee depicting a prominent national conservative author last week is sparking a free expression debate across the nation. David Horowitz spoke at UWM Thursday evening, drawing supporters and protesters, which resulted in a dialogue over a cartoon he is calling anti-Semitic.

In an interview with The Badger Herald, Horowitz said the depiction of him with a hooked nose by the Muslim Student Association in Milwaukee was inappropriate for a campus organization to circulate, but it was still protected under the First Amendment. "I haven't asked anybody to be outlawed or put in jail," Horowitz said. "Sure, it's free speech. It's just inappropriate for a campus. I don't think the university should have banned it from being posted, but had that been a cartoon on blacks or gays, there would have been hell to pay - there should be one standard rule."

Horowitz said he took more issue with how UWM's MSA allegedly tore down 2,000 of the posters promoting his event.... Horowitz said universities should have a "zero-tolerance policy for those who disrupt or interrupt invited speakers" since all sides of issues should be able to be discussed in a civil way. He pointed to his October visit to UW-Madison as a model example as opposed to Milwaukee, where 16 individuals were escorted out.


The cartoon looks like something fresh out of Hitler's propaganda -- but we have come to expect that from Muslims, of course. Muslim hate has replaced Nazi hate.

Posted by John Ray. For a daily critique of Leftist activities, see DISSECTING LEFTISM. For a daily survey of Australian politics, see AUSTRALIAN POLITICS Also, don't forget your roundup of Obama news and commentary at OBAMA WATCH

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