Sunday, May 11, 2008

LEBANON: NOT CIVIL WAR, BUT A PROXY WAR - and one Bush is losing

The continuing clashes in north and east Lebanon are not the manifestation of a civil war, but the outbreak of a PROXY WAR between the West and the Syro-Iranian Axis.

The fact that the battles are within a single nation and not at the boundary or border of two nations does not make it civil war - it is not intra-national it is international and transnational in its roots and without the transnational and international aspect it would disappear; without Iran's islamofascist hegemonic aims and without Syria's geopolitiical aims there would be no war.

To end the wart we must neutralize Damascus and Terran's' connections to the area and that really means regime change in Iran and Syria.

This would be in keeping with the relevant UNSC Resolutions: one which was the basis for getting Syria to retreat and end their occupation of Lebanon, and the other which was SUPPOSED to disarm Hizballah - Iran's stooges.

Bush's failure to oust Assad - for his assassination of Hariri and others and his deliberately lax control of his border with Iraq (since 2004!) and for his NOKO Nuke program - is shameful and has been harmful to the entire region. Bush has been a disgusting wimp when it comes to Syria.

And Bush has allowed Iran has been allowed to continue to develop its nuke program and to arm the militias in Iraq. Bush has been content to allow the EU and IAEA "spearhead" efforts to get Iran to retreat from its uranium enrichment program. This is idiotic and has been ENTIRELY ineffective.

Time is running out - for Lebanon, and Bush. Should he hand over the region with Assad and Iran's nuke program intact and Lebanon in shambles he will rightly go down in history as a half-assed FAILURE.

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree.

    So much for Bush's "legacy" of peace in the Middle East.
