Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Whatever you may say about Jeremiah Wright, he is not someone who refrains from expressing what is on his mind, such as it is. He can be quite blunt.

Barack is not like that . . .

It is instructive to look at all of Barack [middle name redacted] Obama's statements about Wright since this episode -- scandal or kerfuffle -- began.

Each statement was Barack's disingenuous attempt to bargain his way our of his predicament.

First was the attempt to say that Wright's Church wasn't controversial, and that Barack had never heard any of those wild statements.

Next was Barack's attempt to characterize Wright as a crazy old uncle whom Barack had never taken seriously, but from whom Barack could never separate himself.

Next was the attempt to separate Wright's most extreme statements from Barack's message.

Finally, and I may have left out a couple of half steps and fakes, was this:
“Obviously whatever relationship I have had with the Rev Wright has changed. I don’t think he showed much concern for me or what we are trying to do with this campaign or for the American people.” [Emphasis added.]
What was it that finally forced Barack to criticize his spiritual mentor? I think it was this:
Mr Obama said he was particularly angered by Rev Wright’s repeated suggestion that the senator’s earlier denunciation of the sermon comments was merely made out of political convenience.
Yes, this was the straw that broke the camel's back:

MODERATOR: What is your motivation for characterizing Senator Obama’s response to you as, quote, “what a politician had to say”? What do you mean by that?

WRIGHT: What I mean is what several of my white friends and several of my white, Jewish friends have written me and said to me. They’ve said, “You’re a Christian. You understand forgiveness. We both know that, if Senator Obama did not say what he said, he would never get elected.”

Politicians say what they say and do what they do based on electability, based on sound bites, based on polls, Huffington, whoever’s doing the polls. Preachers say what they say because they’re pastors. They have a different person to whom they’re accountable.

As I said, whether he gets elected or not, I’m still going to have to be answerable to God November 5th and January 21st. That’s what I mean. I do what pastors do. He does what politicians do.

I am not running for office. I am hoping to be vice president.

Barack didn't break with Wright because Wright exhorted his congregation to sing out "God d--n America!" Barack didn't break with Wright because Wright said that AIDS was created by the U.S. government to kill colored people. Barack didn't break with Wright because Wright said America was a terrorist state that deserved the September Eleventh atrocities.

No, Barack broke with Wright because Wright called him a "politician."
I don’t think he showed much concern for me . . .
It's always all about Barack, isn't it?

As our perspicacious co-blogger JR has pointed out, Barack Obama's behavior exhibits features that are classic for psychopathy, here, here, here, here, and here -- and this here's another one.

But, by the way, Wright is correct about one thing. Barack Obama is quite evidently a liar.

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