Wednesday, April 23, 2008

BBC: Iraq army 'in control' of Basra

The Iraqi Army commander in Basra says his forces are in "almost complete control" of the city.

The commander, General Mohan al Freiji, denied reports that he had given the leaders of Shia militias in the city 24 hours to give themselves up.

The US has sent 1,000 combat troops to Basra to help the Iraqi army and UK and US special forces are launching raids to detain key figures in the militias.

Iraqi forces launched a campaign against the militias three weeks ago.

It got off to a shaky start, but appears to be gaining ground with increased support from coalition forces, says the BBC's Patrick Howse in Baghdad.

The most influential of the militias in Basra is the Mehdi Army of cleric Moqtada Sadr. There are also the Badr Brigades - linked to the political party the Supreme Islamic Council in Iraq

There are signs of the militias' hold on the city weakening, says our correspondent.
We're winning; (even the BBC has to admit it!) - and the only people pissed off by this are either Iranian mullahs, al Qaeda, or Democrats.

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