Wednesday, March 26, 2008


The New York Times (via Hot Air Headlines) writes one of their sugarcoated articles about Islamists, here being how they turn to homeschooling. And here, it looks like a lot of those staying at home for teaching are girls. Just a sign of how the parents clearly don't want them making outsider friends, do they? While as for the boys, we can only guess what they'll learn at home when doing so, eh?

One of them even has the chutzpah to insult western girls:
“I don’t want the behavior,” said Aya Ismael, a Muslim mother home-schooling four children near San Jose. “Little girls are walking around dressing like hoochies, cursing and swearing and showing disrespect toward their elders. In Islam we believe in respect and dignity and honor.”
Classic, classic.

If it weren't for the fact that girls seem to be the biggest victims of this homeschooling problem, I'd say it's better that they go learn at home instead of complaining about US schools not accomodating their needs. However, if girls are the main ones subjected to this, I'm not sure.


  1. As a contracted teacher of homeschoolers, I've been expecting Muslims to become involved in homeschooling. Some states, such as Virginia, allow for homeschooling via a religious exemption.

    I work with a Christian group of homeschoolers, so I don't see Muslims in my group.

    But I imagine that groups of Muslim homeschoolers may well become a trend of its own.

  2. Behold, the wonders of decentralized education.

    I've never been a fan of the conservative cause of vouchers, for exactly this reason. I guess it takes a lefty like me to see the possibilities, and I knew they were frightening from the beginning.
