Monday, March 24, 2008

Fitna Is An Elaborate Practical Joke? I'm Not So Sure About That

Hat tip to Midnight Rider.

It is being reported that the Fitna Movie is merely an elaborate practical joke, played by Geert Wilders. The idea behind the joke would have been to show exactly how much the world could get worked up over the mere rumor of a movie.

Read the text now posted at the Fitna Movie website:

It should be fairly obvious by now that there is no "Fitna" movie. No movie to insult Islam or Muslims or anyone else for that matter. The month of April is upon us, we all know the month of April starts with the 1st April and that day is famous for (practical) jokes.

Holland might not be considered as a country with a great sense of humour but ever once in awhile even in Holland they crack a joke. So, bottom line; if you are here to find the Famous Fitna movie I guess you have been had !!!

On the other hand, if you are worried about how much unrest the rumour of a 15 minute movie about Islam can create, maybe it is time to identify and deal with the issues at hand.

When points of view are miles apart, the truth can usually be found near the middle.

In my opinion, those last two paragraphs do not represent Geert Wilders world view.

They certainly do not represent my world view.

I'll give you an example of how absurd this statement is, and why it likely did not come from Wilders.

Nazi Germany had one point of view, and it was miles apart from that of America's point of view.

Could the truth "be found near the middle"?

Not at all.

And, Wilders knows that we are in the same situation with Islam. Radical Islam is a Nazi-like threat. The world view of radical Islamists is a hate-filled world view which allows for no Freedom of Conscience, Freedom of Religion, or Freedom of Speech.

There is no middle ground to be had with such a world view.
Think about it, implicit in the above message is the idea that we are somewhat crazy to believe that Muslims will go nuts over the mere release of a movie. Recent history shows us that Muslims can and will riot and murder over the slightest provocation. So, it is not at all crazy for us to expect it from them.

I have to wonder who has hacked Wilders site. Sounds like a Leftist to me, someone who doesn't believe there are real truths in this world.
UPDATE: Others are buying it. If I this statement really is the words of Geert Wilders, then it is poorly worded, in my opinion.
UPDATE II: Thanos at Noblesse Oblige says the above-linked site is NOT Geert Wilders site in the first place, so as I thought, the message is probably not Wilders' message.


  1. Yes but radical Christianity never hurt know besides the few witch hunts, crusades, abortion clinic bombers etc.

  2. Good point, Toad.

    You are right. There is an absolute moral equivalency between the abortion bombers of Christianity and the Muslims who did their work in Beslan, London, Madrid, and the World Trade Center, not to mention the other 10,000 Islamic terror attacks in the past seven years.

    Your point is beyond argument. I think we will put it up on the front page.

    Thanks again.

    Thanks for mak
