Saturday, March 29, 2008

Dr. Wafa Sultan Under Death Threat

Read the information and take action HERE at Brigitte Gabriel's Act! For America.

Right here in America, Dr. Sultan and her family have had to go into hiding!

All because she spoke out against Islam on Al-Jazeera television and defended the republication of the Danish cartoons.

Here are the videos of Dr. Sultan's appearance on Al-Jazeera Television earlier this month:


  1. i LOVE her.

    we must protect her from the enemy.

    and that includes pim/lex!

  2. Reliapundit,
    As you know, I'm a Christian, and Wafa Sultan is not.

    But so what?

    She is speaking the truth and should have the protected right to speak out, especially here in the United States. Instead, she's having to living like a refugee!

    Meanwhile, moonbats protesting the war are carryining the flags of other nations and wearing kaffiyehs. They get protection! Wafa Sultan doesn't???

    I'm pissed off, I tell you.

    If we, as a nation and as individuals, do not help Dr. Sultan, we are not worthy of the legacy from our Founders and our ancestors who fought for and protected our freedoms.

  3. AOW : U R 1000% CORRECT.
