Monday, March 31, 2008


Henry Wallace, who had been Secretary of Agriculture (when Alger Hiss was on his staff), FDR's 2nd Vice President, and President Truman's Secretary of Commerce until 1946, ran for President against FDR's 3rd Vice President in 1948. (From 1946 until the campaign he edited The New Republic magazine.)

He ran on the ticket of the "Progressive Party" whose communist-inspired platform included universal government health insurance, opposed the Berlin airlift, blamed the United States for the communist conquest of Czechoslovakia, and appeasement of the Soviet Union. He was endorsed by the Communist Party, USA, and communist party members actively supported his candidacy.

He received 2% of the vote.

Interestingly enough, in his younger years, his search for a spiritual mentor had led him to Nicholas Roerich, whom the historian Arthur Schlesinger described as "a Russian emigre, painter, theosophist and con man." Wallace's letters to his "Dear Guru" were an embarrassment during the Presidential campaign.

When the communists invaded Korea, however, Wallace saw the error of his leftist ways, and supported President Truman. He wrote a book in 1952, Where I Was Wrong, describing how he had been duped into trusting Stalin.

Barack [middle name redacted] Obama is the most leftist Presidential candidate since Henry Wallace. His folk-marxist extremism is not likely to land him in the White House. But the success of his candidacy to date shows how far left the Democratic Party has lurched since the time of Harry S Truman in 1948. Joe Lieberman is right.

Reliapundit agrees:

Henry Wallace was FDR's Veep for a term, but was replaced by Truman.

Wallace ran against Truman in 1948 - on the PROGRESSIVE PARTY line, and got 2.4%. Less than Strom Thurmond. Wallace was a courageous anti-segregationist, but also a socialist and an appeaser at the time.

Wallace had said that if he became President, he would appoint Laurence Duggan as Secretary of State and Harry Dexter White as Secretary of Treasury. Both Duggan and White were Communist sympathizers who are now known to have been passing information to the Soviets since before the Second World War. Their appointment could have been a major victory for Soviet intelligence.[3]

... [and] advocated the re-election of President Dwight D. Eisenhower in 1956.[1] In 1961, President elect John F. Kennedy invited him to his inauguration ceremony, though he had supported Kennedy's opponent Richard Nixon.

I'm beginning to feel that Obama will do worse in the general election than Kerry or McG0vern.

An Obama candidacy might be every bit as naive and leftist as Wallace's run in 1948.

Let's just say he'll lose BIGTIME: he's too liberal; too unaccomplished; too slippery, marched with Farrakhan and worshiped with a bigot for twenty years. And he's announced that he wants to raise taxes. That didn't work out too well for Mondale...

HOW LEFT IS HE?? Let's just say, Obama makes McGovern look like Lieberman.

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