Saturday, March 15, 2008


This is the first in a short series of posts in which I want to make a few simple observations about Barack [middle name redacted] Obama.

In order to keep it simple, I am going to post one proof of one observation in each post.

To begin with, so we all know with what we are dealing, Barack Obama is a LIAR.

In a post he put up at Ariana Huffington's site, Obama made this claim:
The statements that Rev. Wright made that are the cause of this controversy were not statements I personally heard him preach while I sat in the pews of Trinity or heard him utter in private conversation.
That statement is a baldfaced lie. Barack Obama was well aware of Jeremiah Wright's potty-mouth anti-American ranting during the 22 years he has been an active member of that Church.

The proof comes from an article the New Duranty Times published over a year ago, reporting that Obama had decided to dis-invite Wright from the announcement of his candidacy for the Presidency. And why did he do that? The Times reported:

Mr. Wright said that in the phone conversation in which Mr. Obama disinvited him from a role in the announcement, Mr. Obama cited an article in Rolling Stone, “The Radical Roots of Barack Obama.”

According to the pastor, Mr. Obama then told him, “You can get kind of rough in the sermons, so what we’ve decided is that it’s best for you not to be out there in public.” [Emphasis added.]

Barack Obama has known all along what Jeremiah Wright preaches. And he knew it would be damaging to his campaign.

To claim otherwise is just a stupid schoolboyish lie.

Let me give you more evidence. (Hat tip: Rocco DiPippo.) Back in August, 2007, reporter Jim Davis visited Obama's church. This is what he witnessed:

Wright laced into America's establishment, blaming the "white arrogance" of America's Caucasian majority for the woes of the world, especially the oppression suffered by blacks. To underscore the point he refers to the country as the "United States of White America." Many in the congregation, including Obama, nodded in apparent agreement as these statements were made.

The sermon also addressed the Iraq war, a frequent area of Wright's fulminations.

"Young African-American men," Wright thundered, were "dying for nothing." The "illegal war," he shouted, was "based on Bush's lies" and is being "fought for oil money."

In a sermon filled with profanity, Wright also blamed the war on "Bush administration bulls--t."

Senator Barack [middle name redacted] Obama sat in the congregation and nodded his agreement as Wright preached "a sermon filled with profanity" in which he blamed the woes of the world on American white people. Obama nodded his agreement.

And now he has the audacity to claim that "
The statements that Rev. Wright made that are the cause of this controversy were not statements I personally heard him preach while I sat in the pews of Trinity or heard him utter in private conversation." That's audacity!

And for lagniappe, let me add that to make his lying disclaimer in a statement on the Huffington Post, instead of facing the press, shows you that in addition to being a liar, Obama is also a coward.

No matter how much money Tony Rezko and George Soros donate to his campaign, Americans are not going to elect a lying coward as President. Not now, not in 2012, not never.

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