Sunday, February 03, 2008


The Telegraph reports on a recent study of honor killings in Britain:

Women have been raped, abused and even killed for forming "inappropriate" relationships or merely for wanting to go to university. The report found that:

• Women may be attacked for nothing more than listening to western music

• Families have imported brides to work in prostitution

• Local authorities are not acting because of "political correctness" and a fear of being accused of racism.

Many South Asian men brought up in this country want to marry uneducated women, known as "freshies", who are "uncontaminated" by ideas of female independence, the report, published tomorrow says.

How many honor killings are there in Britain?
One woman every month is the victim of an "honour" killing, the CPS says. [The CPS is the Crown Prosecution Service.]
Honor killings are more common in areas where jihadists flourish:

Ann Cryer, the Labour MP for Keighley, welcomed the findings. "In most communities people will condemn domestic violence, but in Asian communities, the religious and secular leaders are either turning a blind eye or actually condoning it," she said.

Nazir Afzal, the lead on honour-based violence for the Crown Prosecution Service, said that the problem was particularly acute in areas where Islamic extremist groups were active.

He said that the problem was so deeply buried in these communities that the police were having to resort to unusual tactics to tackle it.

Why unusual tactics? Because the entire community condones honor killing:

Following the murder of Banaz Mahmod, a Kurdish woman who had pleaded with police to protect her against her family in south London, Mr Afzal said that "substantial numbers of the community actually did not assist and support prosecutors. Instead they supported the family members who were responsible for the killing".

The conclusion:

Whole communities are involved in assisting and covering up "honour violence" in Britain, a new study says.

Entire communities assist in and cover up honor violence and honor killings because this sort of subjugation of women is an integral part of the culture which these communities have evolved over centuries. People in these communities have known nothing other than violence against women for centuries. Just as they have known nothing other than violent jihad against infidels for centuries.

We would welcome the appearance and development of a moderate Islamic culture that would moderate the jihadist extremism and anti-feminine violence that is prevalent in so many communities in the Muslim world. But we should have no illusions about the cultural norms of that Muslim world in 2008.

An iconic example of the horrific violence Islamic jihadists inflict on infidels, women, and innocent bystanders who are in the way of their nightmarish dreams of world domination was provided this week by the use of two mentally-retarded women as probably unwitting bomb-carriers in Baghdad. The utter contempt for human life shown by the savages who launched this attack is a more extreme version of the same contempt for the lives of their own daughters, wives, sisters, and mothers about which Britain is now learning.

But perhaps the tide is slowly turning. The use of unwitting mentally-retarded women as bomb guidance systems may be an indication that the supply of willing suicide/homicide terrorists is dwindling.

Hat tip: HotAir.


  1. "Entire communities assist in and cover up honor violence and honor killings because this sort of subjugation of women is an integral part of the culture which these communities have evolved over centuries."



  2. Unfortunately, nothing much surprises me about dishonor killings any more. Nonetheless, I find this dismaying.

    Ellen R. Sheeley, Author
    "Reclaiming Honor in Jordan"

  3. Communities may also be cowering behind cultural or moral relativism, hoping these horrendous murders will go away if they refuse to call them honor killings.

    Guess again.

    Karen Tintori
    Unto the Daughters: The Legacy of an Honor Killing in a Sicilian-American Family
