Wednesday, February 13, 2008


The Lone Star Times makes that this woman Maria Isabel is the culprit behind the Che Guevara flag being displayed in Obama's Houston office.

It seems, though she loves Che Guevara in theory, in the real world she is a diehard "Don't Tread On Me" Libertarian who bridles at the idea that the government would tell her what to do with her private property:

... best of all is this video posted on YouTube by the above mentioned “Larissa” and others trying to stop Isabel from constructing an apparently hideous McMansion on the site of a historic Old Sixth Ward home:

Did you catch that quote from Ms. Isabel?

It’s wrong to try to implement restrictions in my private property. I own this
piece of land. This is America. I should be able to do anything I want with it.

Yet she’s flying and hanging a Cuban flag with Che Guevara’s face plastered on it?

Can you believe this Moonbat hypocrisy?

Oh yes. We can.


  1. GOLLY!


  2. Yes, that is certainly true.

    But, the significant thing about this woman's hypocrisy is that it reveals that she is a Libertarian. I have friends like this. The truth about them is they are Libertarians who get confused by Leftist rhetoric. They like to think of themselves as radicals who want the government out of their business, but then, the media tells them that the real chic radicals are the lefties, so they get mesmerized by all the leftie-speak.

    It's an odd phenomenon, but it is very real.

  3. "dont tax you dont tax me tax the man behind the tree."

    the rules apply to everyone but them.

    al gore jetting around the world.

    edwards' huge mansion.


    to be a leftists is to be a hypocrite.

    che was not an idealistic savior but a totalitarian serial murderer.

    but the left lovs him and hates gwb.

    idiots. hypocrites.

    harmful to the world.
