Sunday, February 03, 2008


Britain is evolving beyond both 1984 and Brave New World, right before our eyes. The collapse of traditional culture and the balkanization of segregated ethnic communities is sure to produce some startling developments.

Scientists now claim they can transform pluripotent stem cells into sperm cells, thus permitting all sorts of novel social engineering:

British scientists who had already coaxed male bone marrow cells to develop into primitive sperm cells have now repeated the feat with female embryonic stem cells.

The University of Newcastle team that has achieved the feat is now applying for permission to turn the bone marrow of a woman into sperm which, if successful, would make the method more practical than with embryonic cells.

It raises the possibility of lesbian couples one day having children who share both their genes as sperm created from the bone marrow of one woman could be used to fertilise an egg from her partner.

In case that's not kinky enough for you:

In Brazil, a team led by Dr Irina Kerkis of the Butantan Institute in SaƵ Paulo claims to have made both sperm and eggs from cultures of male mouse embryonic stem cells in the journal Cloning and Stem Cells.

The researchers have not yet shown that their male eggs can be fertilised to produce viable offspring, but they are thinking about possibilities for same-sex human reproduction.

If all these experiments pan out, then the stage would also be set for a gay man to donate skin cells that could be used to make eggs, which could then be fertilised by his partner’s sperm and placed into the uterus of a surrogate mother.

The Astute Bloggers have noted some similar trends before.

1 comment:

  1. these leftist elites are using their scientific knowledge to enable the gramsican agenda.,

    why don't they try to solve REAL problems first?

    because they are more interested in DESTROYING traditional culture than helping real human beings with real problems.

    the third world doesn't need this kind of immoral science. the third world needs electricity, power plants , factories, sweat shops -and everything else the LEFT opposes.

    while the left tries to passes SPECIAL laws for homos, and taxes on economic expansion, the third world dies of starvation,. dirty water and disease.

    MILLIONS of people in the third world needlessly die every year - or suffer in poverty - because of the Left.

    left = sick murderous scum.
