Sunday, February 03, 2008

20,000 Scientists Denounce Global Warming Hysteria

BROOKES: Scientists denounce global warming hysteria
Time for an Australia New Zealand Royal Commission on Global Warming

A group of Australian and New Zealand organisations and scientists today called on the governments of Australia and New Zealand to set up an Australia New Zealand Royal Commission on the Science of Global Warming (to be known as "The ANZIG Royal Commission" — the Australia New Zealand Inquiry into Global Warming).

The chairman of Australia's Carbon Sense Coalition, Mr Viv Forbes, said that many groups and individuals in Australia and New Zealand had listened with alarm and disbelief to plans of both governments to saddle their people and industries with the burdens of carbon taxes and the risks of carbon trading which he described as "an open invitation to massive fraud" .
We also fear the enormous costs of taxing and decimating our backbone industries of farming, mining, power generation, cement making, forestry, mineral processing and tourism and subsidising many expensive and ineffective alternate energy proposals. The very high costs to society of the actions being proposed require that we settle the science before forcing the whole ANZ community into a futile and expensive exercise to solve a problem that may not exist. "Do it just in case" is not an option.

The Australian Government has set up the Garnaut Review to look into the likely costs of various proposals for reducing carbon dioxide emissions. However, we need a parallel independent inquiry into the science to determine whether any action at all is required.

The science is definitely not settled. Hundreds of qualified independent scientists around the world now question whether sufficient attention has been paid to the proven historical influence of natural solar cycles, and many other aspects of climate science. Since the scientific investigations for the IPCC fourth assessment report were completed 18 months ago, new research and new observations have cast serious doubt on many of the IPCC  s conclusions.

Everyone, from the highest government minister to the lowliest taxpaying consumer, must realise that unless it can be proved beyond reasonable doubt that carbon dioxide causes excessive global warming, there is no justification for imposing restrictions and costs on emitters of carbon dioxide.

These burdens will pass inevitably on to the whole community, and will fall most heavily on those who can least afford them. No valid, verifiable scientific proof has yet been established.

All we have are hypotheses and speculations based on computer models. Governments have a duty to create an opportunity for the full range of scientific evidence to be examined and evaluated. This can best be done by way of a Royal Commission of Inquiry.

Australia and New Zealand are both heavily dependent on primary production and world trade, neither have nuclear power, and both are leaders in science in the southern hemisphere. The whole hemisphere would be very damaged by the global warming extremism of Al Gore and old Europe.

Al Gore is more motivated by extreme Green politics than scientific truth while Old Europe believes that their nuclear capacity protects them from the carbon costs they plan to impose on others.
Mr Forbes said that this proposal is the joint initiative of The Carbon Sense Coalition based in Australia and the New Zealand Climate Science Coalition, and is supported by individual scientists and industry representatives

... Mr Forbes said that it is clear there is growing concern among the world scientific community about the conclusions being promoted by the IPCC.
In contrast to the 2000 or so scientists who are claimed to have contributed to the IPCC (many of whom do not support the extremist political conclusions promoted by the IPCC) there are at least 20,000 scientists who have signed their names in public opposition to the IPCC. (See references below).

By supporting green taxes - and carbon trading and limiting the spread of coal power plants and nuclear power plants and oil exploration - the Left is DIRECTLY contributing to increased Third World poverty and degradation.

What th Third World needs is more electricity and more factory jobs - and a refrigerator and an electrical stove in every home.

Leftist policies prevent this.

IOW: AGW = BS which kills poor people.

1 comment:

  1. The article stated (in part):

    "Al Gore is more motivated by extreme Green politics than scientific truth...."

    This isn't true. Here's the statement as it should have been:

    "Al Gore is more motivated by personal greed than scientific truth, and he is using extreme Green politics to achieve his goal of incredible personal wealth."

    The man left office 7 years ago being worth approx. $2 million. Now he's worth over $100 million, and is looking at several tens of millions per year in income as part of his compensation as a member of the board of a venture capital firm that brings lots of environmental companies public.
