Tuesday, January 22, 2008


After counter-attacking global jihad, ending illegal immigration, and expanding energy supplies, I think fighting the lack of transparency is the most important basic issue in the USA today.

1 - It relates to a lot of wasteful pork-barrel spending: Americans hate earmarks as much for their secrecy as their wastefulness. (Most people rightly think that if they weren't wasteful that they wouldn't be secret.)

2 - It relates to the current real estate and banking crisis: if the repackaged sub-prime mortgages had more transparency then there would be NO CRISIS.

3 - In campaign financing, most people don't care how much someone gives to a candidate, AS LONG AS THEY KNOW WHO IS GIVING WHAT TO WHOM. IOW: it ain't how much it's WHO - and that's a TRANSPARENCY issue.

4 - Part of what pissed MOST Americans about the McCain-Kennedy Amnesty Bill was that it was cobbled together in secret, behind closed doors - without hearings. THERE WAS NO TRANSPARENCY IN HOW IT GOT MADE. people are more likely to accept a compromise of the bargaining is more public.

The candidate who most credibly promises to bring MORE TRANSPARENCY to DC will win.

Because he is not a life-long politician, I think Mitt is most likely candidate to make and keep this type of promise. As a successful businessman, his investments demanded transparency. As a manager and governor, he demanded transparent results. Mitt could bring transparency to DC.

That's why I think the choice is CLEAR. (Pun intended.) Mitt is it.

Coincidently, JAWA posts on an attempt by the Gay agenda folks down in Miami to sneak a new Gay Agenda referendum through by cloaking the Gay parts. This is a deliberate subterfuge, and part of the transparency deficit which pisses many people off. If you want a new law for Gays... FINE, but try to get the votes honestly and openly. Otherwise it's not really democratic.

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