Wednesday, January 02, 2008


The question is, "Is Rudy to Bloomberg what Bush is to the next president?"

I mean, as mayor, Rudy did ALL the tough lifting and made ALL the tough challenging decisions which led to NYC's INCREDIBLE renaissance: he took on the Mob and cleaned up the fish market, the fruit market, the carting industry. He made the streets safe. He made the subways safe. He cut taxes and that helped grow the city's economy.

Bloomberg has done ZERO tough lifting and made NO CHALLENGING OR TOUGH DECISIONS. The toughest challenge Bloomie took on was fighting for a football stadium in midtown, and HE LOST, BIGTIME!

[I defy ANYONE to name two tough challenging and positive things Bloomberg fought for and won and which improved the quality of life for NY'ers.]

The fact is, city is fine now - EIGHT FREAKIN' YEARS AFTER RUDY because of the hard work Rudy did. Rudy did the tough stuff - and he had to fight the NY Lefties every step of the way!


What does this have to do with Bush and the next president?


Maybe... maybe MAYBE... people feel that BUSH has done all the tough lifting, made all the hard decisions and fought all the tough fights - and KEPT US SAFE FOR THE SEVEN YEARS SINCE 9/11 - and that now we can opt for a president who is more like Bloomberg: an amiable and able fella who will more or less keep things goin' on the same path, BUT RUFFLE FEWER FEATHERS ALONG THE WAY.

This is what led to Bloomberg's success. He was Rudy-lite. He appeased Sharpton and all the other cranks, charlatans, and leeches - including the unions.

Maybe the electorate is looking for "a kinder and gentler Bush", one they don't expect will have to do any tough stuff - because Bush already has.

I think this is where the electorate is at ... right now.

They have Bush Fatigue, and they think we can afford to take a breather, a pause.

Sure, the Bhutto Assassination makes us uneasy, and increases the appeal of hawks like McCain and Rudy.

But between now and November, the troubled economy may be a whole lot more important to Americans than jihadoterror - or any foreign policy.

After all, Bush will keep us safe ON HIS WATCH - and that extends to 2009.

That's why I think for most Americans, foreign policy may be at best a subtle core issue for 2008 - and our continued success in Iraq will help drive the issue DOWN in importance.

And Americans may be developing a FALSE sense of security on the international scene, and too much anxiety on the domestic economic scene.

This will help the Dems.

We must not let people be lulled into a false sense of security about the threat of global jihad.

If we do, America will elect Obama or Hillary or Edwards - and that would be every bit as bad as re-electing Jimmy Carter.

1 comment:

  1. You need to do more research. Under Bloomberg, NYC has cut its violent crime in half - this year alone.

    Also, he took Giuliani's 4 billion dollar deficit and turned it into a 4 billion dollar surplus. AND he did took over the NYC economy in 2002.

    He has taken on the teachers union and instituted merit based pay for schools, and improved them.

    No-one running for President has a record of anything close to Mike Bloomberg.

    That is why we want to Draft Mike Bloomberg for President
