Friday, January 18, 2008


I posted a few weeks ago, that it seemed to me that Bush had just "kicked the can down the road" vis a vis North Korea and Iran.

He seems more interested in twisting Israel's arm into making a deal with Fatah than in twisting North Korea's arm, or Iran's arm or Syria's arm or Hamas or Hizballah's arms.

As Jeff Jacoby wrote this week: the Bush Doctrine is dead - a victim of Bush and Rice and Baker and the traitorous CIA.

Here's more proof that either Bush has become an appeaser or a wimp:


North Korea is unlikely to abandon its nuclear weapons before US President George W. Bush leaves office in January 2009, his special envoy said Thursday, calling for a revamp of six-party talks on the crisis.

Jay Lefkowitz, special envoy for human rights in North Korea, also accused China and South Korea of not exerting enough pressure on North Korea during the talks that first began in 2003 to end Pyongyang's nuclear weapons drive.

"It is increasingly clear that North Korea will remain in its present nuclear status when the administration leaves office in one year," he told a forum in Washington.
Of this is true, then I'm extraordinarily disappointed in Bush.

And since the traitorous and misleading but propagandistically effective NIE report (more here) was released, Iran is OFF THE HOOK, and the pressure on them seems gone, and they seem more adventurous as a result; (for example, one mist only think back to that cigarette boat incident of last week).

It seems that Iran and North Korea - with the help of anti-American leftists in the State Department and the CIA - have "run out the clock" on the Bush Administration.

And while this is happening Turkey is STEADILY becoming more and more hostile to the Kurds of northern Iraq and more and more Islamicized at home. This is the same islamicist regime which forbade the USA the ability to enter Saddam's Iraq via Turkey and prevented us from smashing Saddam with a hammer and anvil as had been planned by Tommy Franks. This was a sever blow to both our war and our post war effort.

And Pakistan is destabilizing, and Thailand has had a coup while the southern "restive" regions roil with islamoterror and thousands of deaths.

If Bush leaves the problems for the next president to deal with (as now seems likely), then it is ALL THE MORE IMPORTANT who the next president is.

We mustn't elect anyone to the left of the liberal hawk and wimp Bush.

Been there; done that. It's doesn't work.

We need a real conservative HAWK who will reinvent the Bush Doctrine and smash our enemies.

Or at least be tougher with them than he is with Israel.

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