Wednesday, December 26, 2007


The news just keeps getting better and better for Islamic and Leftist terrorists.

According to this article in the December 25, 2007 edition of the Turkish Daily News,
Some 2.5 percent of the Islamic terrorist organizations' members [in groups such as Hezbollah, Caliphate State, The Islamic Great Eastern Front Raiders, the Army of Jerusalem, and the Turkish structuring of the al-Qaeda] are children aged 10-14, according to a similar study carried out by the police department on the files of Islamic terror organizations members.

Young people aged 15-25 constitute the majority of those groups' members with a percentage of higher than 70. The illiterate group members constitute 1.5 percent. The majority of members are high school graduates according to the research with a percentage of 40.5, while 22.5 percent of them are university graduates.
And not only are Islamic terrorists actively recruiting from the growing pool of young Muslims. According to the article,
The leftist organizations have young militants as well, that 65 percent of them are between the ages 14 and 25.
The leftist organizations include the Revolutionary People's Liberation Party/Front, the Maoist Communist Party, the Communist Party of Turkey/Marxist-Leninist Conference, and the Marxist Leninist Communist Party.

What to do about these alarming developments? According to the article,
Terrorist organizations and Satanist groups meet with young people at a very critical age during which they search for respect and appreciation, terrorism experts said. Parents should not judge their children unnecessarily, avoid needless criticisms and treat them as adults, experts said.
Yeah, those remedies oughta work.


  1. i blame the parents.
    they're letting their kids be poisoned.

  2. Reliapundit,

    But that little blurb makes it sound as if parents should not flat-out tell their children what's right and wrong.

  3. postmodrnism dictates that there is no right or wrong and 50% of today's parents in the west are in the thrall of postmodernism so they have been disarmed.

    which was the aim of the gramscian attackers.
