Monday, December 03, 2007

The perfect gift that will cause liberals' heads to explode

Ray Robison's new book -- Both in One Trench - Saddam's Secret Terror Documents -- promises to be a must-read. Robison carefully culled through Saddam's cache of secret documents to reveal the facts that the Democrats and the media (but I repeat myself) don't want you to know.

* Hussein supported Al Qaeda? Check.
* Hussein acted through proxy terror groups throughout the world? Checkety-check.
* Hussein supported terrorists with direct links to 9/11? Check and mate, biznatch.

Go ye therefore hence and order the book. What's a better gift for the holidays than a book to enlighten truth-seekers and to cause liberals' heads to explode?


  1. why hasn't single person in the bush adm. made anything of this!?!?

    why do we have to carry his water!?

    seems to me:

    ever since joe wilson published his op-ed it seems to me Dubya has stood for WIMP.

    instead of coming out swinging and defending the still accurate/truthful 16 words of the DOTU which joe wilson attacked, the bushies apologized.

    first off: those 16 were true and still are. they weren;t based in usa intel, but british intel they stand behind.

    and the 16 words never said saddam bought yellowcake in niger. but that he SOUGHT uranium in AFrica.

    very different.

    ALSO: the sotu was delivered MONTHS after the Congess had ALREADY given Bush war powers.

    but bush caved.

    dubya stands for wimp.

    assuming he could run for any office --- i would never vote for him again - except if he ran against a dem.

  2. Anonymous6:26 AM

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  3. i removed terrye's comment because she is an ass who attacked me.

    i post anonymously because i earn income as a freelancer (more or less) in an industries which are dominated by leftist appeasers who would cut me out if they knew my politics.

    and terrye is an ass who attacked me even tho' it had nothing to do with the substance of my comments which is that bush is a wimp based on his policies and his execution of those policies.

    he appeases abbas and china and assad and iran and the eco-nutsies and the plame-crowd and so on.

    as i argued.

    TERRYE: as long as you attack me in your comments they will be deleted.
