Thursday, December 06, 2007

Britain: The Wonders of Islam

A British muslim woman converted to Christianity, now her family want to see her dead kill her:
The daughter of a British imam is under police protection after she received death threats from her family for converting to Christianity.

The woman, aged 32, whose father is a Muslim imam in Lancashire, has moved house 45 times to escape detection by her family since she became a Christian 15 years ago.

Hannah, who uses a pseudonym to hide her identity, told The Times that she became a Christian after she ran away from home at 16 to escape an arranged marriage. The threats against her became more serious a month ago, prompting police to offer her protection in case of an attempt on her life.


Hannah, who gives talks to churches on Islam, has been in hiding since her home was attacked by a group of men armed with knives, axes and hammers, in 1994.
In a civilized world your brother would defend you, but not when he follows the Koran:
The latest threat was a text message from one of her brothers, warning that he could not be responsible for his actions if she did not return to Islam.

“I know the Koran says that anyone who goes away from Islam should be killed as an apostate so in some ways my family are following the Koran. They are following Islam to the word. But I do not think every Muslim would actually act on that,” she said.
"Oh", you think, "it must be a tiny, tiny minority.":
Earlier this year, a Policy Exchange study found that 36 per cent of British Muslims aged between 16 and 24 believed those who converted to another religion should be punished by death.
Poor girl.

But I am sure the feminists are all over the case.


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