Monday, November 05, 2007



Just in case people have forgotten, “In God We Trust” is the National motto. Of course, when it comes to the public schools…political correctness trumps patriotism everytime. Especially if the patriotism mentions a non-specific deity!

The Kern High School District is expecting a big turnout at its meeting tonight when trustees are expected to vote on whether posters carrying the phrase: “In God We Trust” should be posted in classrooms along with the constitution and the bill of rights.

The idea was presented by trustee Chad Vegas who claims the plan promotes patriotism at schools, but some say, the phrase pushes religion into public schools.

Two members, on the five person board, have said they do not support the proposal. Board member Bryan Batey says his “no” vote would defeat trustee Chad Vegas’ effort to post the national motto, along with the bill of rights and the constitution in all classrooms.

The KHSD Board will meet at 7 p.m. at 5801 Sundale Avenue in Bakersfield. The district is making accomodations for a big turnout before the trustees vote on the issue.

The latest stupid PC battle where the mere mention of an unspecified diety sends red flags waving for liberals and white flags waving for the weak minded! Sad that a little patriotism causes such a ruckus! Geez! Mention God and its a huge debate! But college credit for burning a flag??? Now that is true patriotism. The liberals are so backwards.


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