Sunday, October 21, 2007


There should be no surprise here. Well, at least not to anyone who knows about this; the "counter-Jihad" movement meeting in Brussels.

But anyway, read the good news, via Reuters:
ZURICH (Reuters) - The right-wing Swiss People's Party (SVP) is set to
consolidate its position as the alpine nation's most popular grouping in a
parliamentary election on Sunday, outstripping its rivals after a provocative

Polling booths in Switzerland are due to close around midday (11 a.m.
British time). A large proportion of Swiss ballots are cast by mail in advance
of election day. The first estimated national result is due at around 1900 local
time (6 p.m. British time).

According to the last opinion poll conducted before the election, the
People's Party are expected to win 27.3 percent of the vote, a slight increase
over 2003 when they raced to the top of the polls amid accusations of

The SVP has again run a controversial campaign calling for the
extradition of foreigners who commit serious crimes.
It has been criticised by
opponents and has ruffled the usually smooth waters of Switzerland's
consensus-based politics.
In Switzerland, "consensus-based politics" means never asking questions. But, the people are asking questions. For instance, why shouldn't we have the right to deport immigrants who abuse Swiss society by committing serious felonies?

Mark my words, though. The "counter-Jihad" and "anti-immigration" movements must move beyond such definitions. They must redefine themselves as pro-Freedom, and pro-Western Democracy movements. They must stand for more than disliking crime, Jihad, and immigration.

Abraham Lincoln, FDR, and Winston Churchill did not win their respective wars by defining their battles in negative terms. Instead, the focus was always on the positivity of Western Freedom.

That's where we must go with this movement. If not, then the Fjordman's, Steyn's, and Spencer's of the world will be right in their predictions of inevitable doom for Western Civilization.

Don't get me wrong, I believe those men have their places. But, they are Cassandras. Pessimists.

We need optimistic visionaries.

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