Sunday, September 02, 2007


Yaron Zelicha, the accountant general of the finance ministry who blew the whistle on Ehud Olmert's corruption, is now facing firing by Roni Bar-On, Olmert's loyalist, and has now had to turn to the state comptroller and supreme court for help:
( A growing public outcry is being voiced against the termination of Olmert-government whistle-blower Yaron Zelicha, informed that his service as Accountant General of the Finance Ministry is being ended. He is looking toward the Supreme Court and State Comptroller for help.

Finance Minister and close Olmert ally MK Roni Bar-On informed Zelicha last week that his contract would not be extended when it ends next month.

The Accountant-General went public with the information, calling his termination “illegal and non-binding” and rejected Bar-On’s authority to take such action. He claims that since he was appointed by the Cabinet, under then-Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, only the Cabinet has the authority to remove him from his position.

"I will not allow a group of suspected criminals to intimidate me from my mission of guarding public funds," Yaron Zelicha, Accountant General of the Finance Ministry, said yesterday.
And neither should anyone else let him be attacked. If he's done a service by letting people know about the acts of corruption by Ehud Olmert's government, he should be rewarded and not punished for his actions. I raise my hand in support for Zelicha and fully oppose his firing.

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