Monday, September 10, 2007


Reliapundit has pointed out the Democrats are defeatists and are discrediting Petraeus' report before it even comes out, here and here.

As I write this Petraeus is about ready to give his report and the Democrats are blathering on BEFORE Petraeus even talks about how bad things are in Iraq. Lantos is completely despicable!! Now, Duncan Hunter is showing why I LOVE him, he is taking Lantos and the Democrats to task.

Yet, I have to build on what Reliapundit has said about the Democrats being invested in defeat. They and their allies in the Media have been trashing the Petraeus' report before it had even come out. My own KC Star had this headline on the front page of yesterday's paper, Setbacks Outweigh Successes in Buildup and the small line at the top said this, "Little reason for optimism seen". No liberal bias there (sarcasm)!! And how sad that both seem so invested in defeat that they can't even root for their own country and their own soldiers.

Look at the successes in the Anbar province which Chuck Schumer trashed and yet, let us not forget that even the NY Times said this is a war we might just win. Even Katie Couric (of all people) came back from Iraq with positive things to say.

Yesterday, while the Democrats were on the Sunday morning shows sabotaging Petraeus, Senator Lindsay Graham shockingly, had this to say which I wholeheartedly agree with:
...the troop increase is "undeniably working" and that "the only way we're going to lose this war is to have politicians in Washington undercut the surge."

Rather than withdrawing, he said on Fox, "Now's the time to pour it on."

Gateway Pundit has an excellent post on this as well entitled, Media & Democrats Surge Against Surge Report. He links to a post the Prairie Pundit did where the author, Merv Benson is describing a poll that is the result of the attacks by the Democrats and the Drive By Media. He says it well:
The poll also showed the effect of the unceasing attacks on the President by the most disloyal opposition in war time in history. This story and others suggest that the democrats are willing to turn the same venomous attacks on military leaders in order to secure their desperation for defeat. The current democrat party is willing to say and do anything to insure our defeat in this war and history should judge them harshly. The American people need to wake up to what the disloyal opposition is doing.

I am reasonably sure that the 32 percent who do not trust the military are Democrats who make up the kook base of the party that is the driving force behind their desperation for defeat. They should be ashamed.
It is not enough to attack Bush, now they are going after Petraeus. Who as Gateway Pundit also points out was approved by the US Senate 81-0.

The Democrats are cowards who are invested in defeat and they have already made up their mind not to accept the Petraeus report no matter what good news it may have. Despicable!!

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